
Friday, January 13, 2012

Today is the Day!

I am grateful for today!  I say that because last night as I woke up at 1:30 to use the bathroom and I walked to it with my aching legs and thought, I am so grateful to live in the time I do.  Not just because I have a bathroom so close, but because I have things to help me through my pains, where women from ages past may not have. 

The reason my legs hurt so badly was because I cleaned my house a lot harder and more thoroughly than I would normally do on a regular basis.  I also had Cub Scouts where I was bending and standing the whole time.  Then we had some friends over for dinner.  It was a very full day, fun, but full.  Because of this my body just hurt.  And at 1:30 in the morning I was thinking that women back in the day probably hurt more than this because they had to push their bodies all the time and didn't have some of the things I have to ease that pain.  In some ways, their constant pushing may have made it easier, because their bodies were stronger, but in other ways in may not have, because of malnutrition and the lack of comfortable sleeping arrangements.

Some of the things I have that they might not have had was Magnesium.  I know that sounds weird, but Magnesium has done so much to ease my pains.  It is such a simple healthy, natural substance that helps your muscles function properly.  I have a problem with Charley Horses almost every night at a certain point in my pregnancy.  But if I take Magnesium at night, it either stops them form happening or it makes them not nearly as painful.  This morning I actually had two Charley Horses, but they weren't as bad as they could have been and they haven't effected my day.  I really believe it is do to the help of this substance.  I am thankful to my doctor for telling me about this.

Another thing I am very grateful for is the help from other women.  They have given me knowledge that has helped with the pain I get in my left hip and in my legs.  Overtime and talking to women they have told me different stretches that they have learned form physical therapy, from exercise groups and from massage school.  Every night I do these stretches which does not take the pain away, but it makes it bearable so I can sleep at night.  I had many sleepless night before I got pregnant and was so worried about having another child because of all of these problems, but right before we conceived I got a massage from a friend (which helped me more than any of my doctors did) and she gave me some stretches and I felt so much better.  I lost my fear to get pregnant and I truly believe that helped me to get pregnant almost immediately after that massage.  Then I kept up with the stretches and those from others and my body never went back to that horrible place it had once been.

I think there is a possibility that women a hundred years ago on back may have had Massage and Magnesium, but not as likely as today.  They may have had other things to help them that we do not have.  I think that women relied on each other more then than they do today, which I think is sad.  Women are a wealth of information and we should use that information to help each other.   Today we rely on Doctors and Medicine more than anything else.  And one thing I have learned is that they really don't know as much as they and we think they do.  Also, doctors make me feel stupid.  I went through so many blood tests and had an Ultrasound and X-Ray done to be told my body was fine.  Well, it wasn't, I hurt so badly.  And part of my problem was probably nothing more than sciatic nerves acting up.  My hip problem is something else, but we can't figure that one out, but at least it is only one thing bothering me and not all these other things added on top.

Another item I just recently discovered was a pregnancy belt.  I don't know what it is really called, but that is what it looks like.  It is very simple, you just put it around your tummy and it gives it support.  This is my fourth pregnancy, so my stomach muscles are not able to hold things up and in as well as they used to.  The lack of this support causes some major discomfort because the ligaments are pulling.  This makes simple things like walking and cleaning very difficult.  I had a couple friends tell me that helped them a lot in their later pregnancies, so I thought I would give it a try.  It is amazing how something so simple has helped me enjoy normal activities.  It was so nice, I went to see the Zoo lights with my family and walked around for hours with just one bought of pain.  Then the next two nights I went dancing with my husband and did very well, up until the Samba, but oh it was fun.  Such a simple item that I know they didn't have even 50 years ago.  They may have wrapped themselves with cloth to help, but it would have been a bit of a hassle.

There are things that women had years ago that I wish we still had.  That would be the ability to trust our bodies more.  I wish women would understand how amazing our bodies are and that they can give birth without all these other things that are pushed on us so much.  So many women are started with medicines so they can have a baby on a certain date, or so the doctor can have his weekend free.  This leads to a very high rate of C-Sections, which could have easily been prevented.  Yes, all these things can be good, but when they are used for luxury, I believe it has been taken too far. 

The other thing, do you know that it is illegal for a Nurse Midwife to deliver a baby at home in the state of Utah.  Ya, by law it is illegal.  That is ridiculous.  But a Midwife is able to by law.  Also, if you deliver at home, Utah insurance will not cover it.  I think that is so wrong.  Who are they to tell me were I can and cannot have my baby.  Yes, I am fine having my baby in a hospital and that is what I will be doing, but if I felt I should do it at home, I should have that option fully given to me.  Women back in the day did not have to put up with government and insurance getting in the way of something that is so fully a family matter.  I would like that freedom back.  I must say, I am very grateful for modern medicine, it has saved so many people, I just wish it was used more wisely.

But last night at 1:30 in the morning I was only thinking about how grateful I am for this time I live in and I was thinking about the strength of women from long ago.  What grate examples of strength and courage they are to me today.

1 comment:

  1. some time ago I saw a PBS series called 1900 House. a family lived in a house, dressed in clothes, and only used products that were available back in 1900. still a time before modern conveniences - and it would literally take them two days just to do the laundry!

    watching that show made me grateful for the time in which I live. but it also made me sad that we have so many more distractions which take away from family time (my computer being a huge distraction!!).

    thanks for sharing!! stay healthy and pain free (or at least pain diminished).
