
Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Bridegroom Comes


The Bridegroom Comes

I have always loved the story of the Ten Virgins, mostly because it is about women.  I really didn't understand the full meaning behind these women, but I knew that I wanted to be one of the wise.  I wanted to have my lamp burning strongly when the Bridegroom would come.  

In this story there are five wise virgins, who have been waiting for the Bridegroom to come and call them to the wedding ceremony.  They have been preparing for this moment by having oil in their lamps incase he should come during the night.  

There were also five unwise virgins, who instead of preparing and watching for the Bridegroom, they spent their time doing frivolous things.  They knew that he would come and they knew about when that time would be, but they were more concerned with the joys of everyday life, than the joy that would come in the end. 

Well, it happened, the Bridegroom came and it was in the night.  His servants called for the women to come and the only ones that could go, were the wise virgins, because they had oil in their lamps, so they could see to go to him.  Sadly, the other virgins were not able to go, even though they begged for oil from the wise virgins.  The women wanted to help and share, but could not, because they then might not have enough to make it to the ceremony for themselves.

At this point in the story, I always felt sad that these women could not go into the marriage ceremony.  I had a hard time understanding why the light could not be shared.  Even today, I still feel badly for these women who aren't even real.  Maybe I feel this way, because I know they are based on real people and I care very deeply about them.  These are women I try to share my light with, but sadly, the light does not shine for them on the path, the way it shines for me.  It is as if the light is not coming from a lamp at all, but from the soul and this light is individually built, so only that person will have the power to see its glow.  That power that makes the light stronger is our belief in Jesus Christ, that he is our Savior and will come again.

Jesus Christ is central in this story, he is the Bridegroom.  He is coming to us, one of the virgins.  In Jewish custom, during Christ's time, a marriage ceremony between a man and women would take place under a canopy, where the marriage agreement would be signed.  They would drink wine to celebrate the betrothal as a married couple.  Even though they were married, they would not go off together to start their own family.  After a day of celebration, the Bridegroom would leave to prepare a home for his bride and the bride would prepare things to fill their future home.  These would be things such as oil and clothing.  This process would last about a year.  

After this year, the Bridegroom would then return, unannounced to collect his Bride and complete the marriage ceremony.  Sometimes the Bridegroom would come in the night and everyone would go out to meet him and celebrate.  Everyone needed to be prepared for such an event.  If the bride was not prepared and watching, she would miss him and in turn, miss completing the marriage.  If she was prepared with oil in her lamp, then she would go to her husband, complete the ceremony of marriage and after more celebration, the couple would consummate their marriage and live together as man and wife.

With this added knowledge  of the background of the Jewish marriage custom, it truly changed the way I looked at the parable of the ten virgins.  It wasn't just a nice story about women.  It became a story that helped me develop deep gratitude for my Savior.  He is my Bridegroom, just as he is yours and everyone's.  He signed a contract, which was that of the atonement and resurrection.  He bound us to him with his blood.  He then went to prepare a place or a home for us in heaven.  When he comes again, in all his glory, will I have done my part of the signed contract, by saying I would come to earth and follow him?  Will I have stored oil, or testimony in my heart.  Will I have made clothing or routines of righteousness to protect myself and my family against the harsh elements of Satan?  If I have done these things, then I will be prepared to follow him, the Bridegroom, to the celebration which is eternal life and exaltation.

The thought of an excited bride not going to her own wedding, because she hadn't done simple every day tasks, is one that causes me real sadness.  I can just picture a young man, who has worked hard for a year, preparing his wife's home, just to find out, that she hasn't honored her part of the marriage contract.  That he was not important enough to her. Is that how Christ will find us when he returns?  With all my heart, I hope not.  Let us build up our oil supply, so that our lamps may burn bright for that great day.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The End of the World As We Know It


The End Of The World As We Know It

If I were to take information, from the four gospels on the end of the world, what would that look like?  That is what I am going to do.  In specific, I am going to focus on just a few chapters. Now, the only problem with me trying to do this, is my mind is full of information, that I have gathered over the years, and I will be interjecting that into my findings in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

In Matthew 24, it starts with Christ having just come from the temple.  If you remember, this was a very emotional time, as Christ went to his Father's house and found people buying a selling. He threw out those thieves (spiritually robing worshipers and making a mockery of sacred temple ceremonies) with great passion that we have never seen at any other moment in Christ's mortal life.

After this experience in the temple, Christ's apostles ask for more information on His 2nd Coming.  They ask, because on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus quotes scripture about himself, saying, "And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again." Luke 18:33. These apostles have been pondering for some days on these saying of Christ and do not understand what is meant, or they may understand to some degree, but hope they are wrong, because they do not want their spiritual master, Christ, to be taken from them.

To add to those thoughts, on the way out of Jerusalem, after Christ threw out the money changers and taught the people, one disciple asked about the stones that were used in the construction of the buildings in that great city.  This is when Christ mentions that the stones of those buildings will not stand one on-top of another.  That same night, as they sat outside the city of Jerusalem, on the mount of Olives, the apostles were finally able to ask and hear clarification on these topics and learn more on the signs of Christ's return.  

The first of Christ's prophecies on the second coming, was warning.  He was talking to the apostles, but this warning wasn't really for them, it was for us, here on this earth today.  Christ said, "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:4-5. I think the most important factor in this matter is, how can we be deceived if we have a close relationship with our Savior?  We can't, because the Holy Spirit will be our guide and warn us when we are being deceived.  

Next, Jesus goes on to talk of wars and rumors of wars.  To me, it seems like all my life there has been some war or another going on and there is always rumors of more.  I believe this prophecy has been in the process of being fulfilled for some time and will continue to be fulfilled till the very end.  The interesting thing is, this is one of the earlier signs. Christ says that even with this, the end is not yet.  Meaning, there are still more things that need to happen first before the Son of Man should return.  

Again, Christ says even with signs of famine, pestilence, and earthquakes in diverse (meaning different) places, that this is only the beginning of sorrows.  I look at this and think, hmm, famine, there are many areas of the world dealing with famine, which also causes fires, dark skies, bad air, and future mudslides.  So, a big fat check to that one.  Then pestilence, COVID covers that in one fell swoop, but lets not forget there are places dealing with COVID and pestilences, like Africa that is having one of the largest Locust outbreaks of all time. The last mentioned were the earthquakes.  There have been more and more earthquakes all over the world and the effects are being felt by many.  

With all these horrific prophesies that Jesus mentions, he makes it clear that this is just the beginning of sorrows.  I think this is important to know. because as of right now, I feel like this is exactly where we are.  I can honestly say, I believe all of these signs have been and are being fulfilled right in this very moment.  If with all this, we are only at the begging of sorrows, then we need to become so much more spiritually and mentally prepared.  I am grateful to Christ for not hiding the hardships of this time.  He lets us know the facts, so that we could properly get ready to be apart of this time and to look forward, through the darkness, for His return.

Jesus continues to talk of the tribulations that will occur. Those who believe in Christ, will be turned in by their families and killed for His sake. Christ at this time is giving counsel to His Apostles, because they will have to endure this in their lives, but this is also something that others today will sadly have happen to them as well. These people will be put to death for their beliefs and teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have already seen this.  In the news a couple years ago, we were shown Christians, in the Middle East, fleeing to the hills to hide for their lives. Those who openly preach His name will be made targets and their friends and families may fear their own lives, making them give up that individual to authorities to protect themselves. Africa is being targeted in this right now.  It is believed between 50-70 thousand Christians have been killed in the last decade. It is a strange thought, that the religion I so freely live everyday, is reason for death in other countries.

Jesus then says there will be times of great hardship that take place specifically in Jerusalem.  Often times in scripture, prophets speak of similar events that happen more than once.  Many call these events, a second witnesses, or if it happens to a person, a type of Christ. Together these events or people show strength and solidity and point to Christ. Jesus warns that Jerusalem will be taken over and it was after the temple was rebuilt.  This happened in 70 AD, by the Romans. More recently the city and country was taken in the 20th century, but that is the last time it should be taken, because of other fulfillments that I will mention shortly. 

I said I was going to only use the four gospels, but I did do some research, because I wanted to make sure my thoughts were accurate and I found some good pieces of info that I wanted to add.

When Jews and Christians will be persecuted, Christ says, woe (great sorrow or distress) to the women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding and pray that it isn't winter when you have to flee your homes.  Those who can flee, will have to do so with such speed or they will not make it to safety.  Women who can't run, because of being with child, or carrying young ones, will be slower and will not make it, but will parish.  Christ, who was so gentle to women and children during His ministry, is having to say things that would be very painful to envision. He would, in just a short time, take upon him all the pains of the world, including these very events He prophesied of.

The interesting thing about all of this is, life around the world is still going to continue as all life does.  Christ said people would be get married and have families, just like they did in Sodom and Gomorrah, just like they did before the flood of Noah.  In the middle of all the calamities and hardships, we will continue on living our lives, as if nothing were happening, though they very much are.  We have seen this, I know many who have gotten married, had babies, gone to school or on missions. We keep moving forward, because that is what we are meant to do and why would we stop, just because life is hard? The good news is, Jesus also mentioned that time will be shortened and that this would be done for the righteous' sake.  Days go by so quickly, I feel that they must be being made short for us.  I am very grateful when I get to go to bed. Even though this also means each day that passes, I am a little older and a little closer to death, I also know that we are one day closer to the great day of His return.

With all this happening, we would think that surely Christs return would now occur, but not quit yet.  There will be more people professing to be the Christ.  People will say that he is in the dessert or in the wilderness, but don't believe it.  There will be absolutely no doubt when Christ really returns, we will all see Jesus and know without any question that it is Him.

We have one more set of major signs, before the coming of the Savior for the second time. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Matthew 24:29.  One of the key words in this verse is the word Immediately.  These things will be done much more quickly in secession that have the past signs of the time. As a person who loves celestial events, I look forward to this, that is, if it is another solar eclipse (which will happen in April 2024).  If it is dark because of a volcano eruption or other large disruption, that doesn't' sound nearly as exciting.

The question stands, with all the signs that are happening now, are we going to be alive to see the return of Christ?  There is one particular scripture that gives a little more insight on timing. This is in the first three gospels, which means it must be very important since it is vocalized by multiple witnesses. I am choosing to take the Joseph Smith Translation of this verse, for the added clarity that it brings. Luke 21:32 "Verily I say unto you, this generation, the generation when the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, shall not pass away till all be fulfilled."  I read this as, when all the works of the Gentiles (designate peoples of non-Israelite lineage and other times to designate nations that are without the gospel, Bible Dictionary) are finished.  We need to know what the works of the Gentiles are that have to be finished, before we can see a clear timeline.

To put it simply, the works of the gentiles are to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. This first began after Christ's death, when the apostles went to other nations and taught the gospel of Judaism and Christianity. In that period of the world, the gospel was first given to the Israelites, then to the gentiles. When the apostles of Christ were all martyred, the true gospel faded from the earth and the world was thrown into the apostasy or dark ages. The title is very fitting, because the the light of the gospel of Christ was no longer on the earth.  After this, the gospel was restored to the earth once more and will never be taken away again.  Joseph Smith was the prophet of this time of restoration.  He was a gentile as were all the converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now the gospel is being taken to the gentiles first, then the gospel will be taken to the Jews.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first, Matthew 20:16.

The spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the main point of the signs of the works of the gentiles, that should be fulfilled.  This spreading of the gospel is also called the gathering of Israel.  We can see that we are in the final stages of this, as the gospel of Christ has been taught to every nation, due to physical missionary work, but also due to the advancement in technology and social media. Along with the promise of the gospel going to every land and people, there is the additional promise that the Jews will be able to return home to Jerusalem and be free.  

When Orson Hyde was sent on a mission in 1841 to Jerusalem, he was able to dedicate land and bless that nation.  The words of those blessings have been fulfilled.  The land of Israel is beautiful once more and is a thriving economy, where many advancements in medicine and technology take place. More than that, for the last 72 years, Israel has been a free nation, something they, the Jewish people, had been praying for for the last 1,500 years. With this gained freedom, was also the ability to gather once more to Jerusalem.  When Orson Hyde gave that blessing, there were only 5 thousand Jewish people living in Israel, today, there are roughly 5 million.  That is definitely a fulfillment of prophesy.

Now that we know of the signs that Christ gave as part of the Olivet Discourse and we know that many of these signs have been fulfilled or are almost completely fulfilled, what does that leave?  It leaves the best part for last.  Christ's Return. Those who see the fulfillment of the work of the Gentiles, will also be able to see the fulfillment of all the signs and see the return of Christ.  What a great and dreadful day that will be.  For the righteous it will be great, for the wicked, it will be a day of dread.  That is why I used the title, The End Of The World As We Know It. Bruce R McConkie stated it this way. "The end of the world is the end of unrighteousness or of worldliness as we know it."  It isn't that the earth will explode into nothingness, far from that.  The earth will be made whole or complete and the people on the earth will choose Christ as their leader.  It will be a beautiful day when all are united in love and righteousness.  Everything the world and the inhabitants of the world went through to get to that moment, will be worth it.  When every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, we will finally be free and be at peace.

Additional Sources:

The Future of the Holy Land-John Ludlow-1972

Lesson 45-Looking Forth For The Great Day of The Lord