
Monday, December 19, 2011

A Present Meant for a King

Today is December 19th and there are only a few more days till Christmas.  This afternoon I was going to wrap Christmas presents while my girls were at school and my little guy was napping, but he didn't like that idea and decided to take a very short nap.  So, I had to go to plan B.  We decided to run a few errands to accomplish something. 

In the car on the way to our destination, I had the radio tuned in on the local Christmas music.  I really enjoy listening to the songs and one of my all time favorites came on.  The Little Drummer Boy.  Usually I sing along, not really thinking about the lyrics, but this time I was just listening.  The words came into my head and spun around until they stuck me hard.  This little boy was in the presence of the King, the Savior of the world and he had nothing to offer.  I thought how heart breaking that would be, to want to give the most special gift to this most special baby, but to have nothing.  How horrible I would feel.  I feel bad enough not being able to find something really good for those who are special to me, but I could only imagine how much harder that would be, not to have a gift for the Savior.

But then the song continues and the little boy offers to play his drum for the Christ Child.  That was the most the boy had and he gave it and it was more than enough.  The Lord only asks us to give our best and that is enough.  With these thoughts and feelings swimming through me, they had to come out somewhere.  There I was driving along, tears streaming down my face, but I didn't care, because I knew the Lord was pleased with my simple want to give my best.  These are the wonderful presents we should be offering this special time of year and I hope we will.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Family at Christmas Time

I am so grateful for my family!  I was just thinking how I wish I could spend more time with them.  I was so excited and still am very excited for Christmas break, but it is now shortened by one day due to a major wind storm that came through Utah.  The kids have to make up the missed day of school, so that is one less day all in a row for Christmas.  But that is OK, I am just so glad that we get to have as much time as we do, and the best part, my husband took vacation time and will be home for 10 days in a row.  Isn't that amazing?  I am truly looking forward to this time together.

I have no plans as of now.  Really, relaxing sounds fabulous.  I have been extremely tired as of late.  Of course a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am pregnant with my fourth child (which is a girl and we are very excited).  But I think I also just need to slow down.  I don't do a lot overall, but I go through spurts where I really push myself hard.  Lately I have been helping others with this or that (which I enjoy doing), but it is taking its toll.  And because Christmas is just around the corner, I have been spending nap time wrapping presents instead of resting.  I really can't wait until life slows down for a bit this Christmas break.  Oh, it sounds Heavenly!

I must say, I am grateful for the busy things we have been doing.  We made Gingerbread cookies with the kids and they got to ice them.  Oh, they were yummy!  I think I did most of the eating.  We have gone around taking neighbor presents (and we are done earlier than ever).  It is fun to give to others.  We have enjoyed the beautiful Christmas lights and the fun Christmas shows playing on TV.  So, it has been a very good busy.  There is nothing like the good busy to help you enjoy the slow times.

One more thing I must mention that I have been doing that has been really good and nice for me.  I have been looking up a scripture a day about Jesus Christ.  I alternate between the Bible and The Book of Mormon.  It is so great to see the similarities and the differences.  I love the poetry of many of the scriptures about his life.  It brings many emotions.  Some are joyous others sadness, wonder, and appreciation.  I feel this has been good for me, so I can remember what is really important at this time of year.

I have been so blessed, I want to make sure I remember as my blessings are taking place.  I have a wonderful husband who I love dearly!  I am so grateful for all of his sacrifices for me and the kids. I am also grateful for his humor (which I need more than I let on) and for his amazing perspective with issues around us. I am so grateful for my children that are so sweet, I am truly grateful for their loving nature and goodness.  Their laughter and imagination fills my home with so many wonders, I am so glad I get to glimpse such innocence again.  May we all be as richly blessed as I!