
Thursday, January 27, 2011


I need another day like today.  Wow, what productivity!  I got kids off to school, went to my friends house and exercised (Though my baby was holding on to me half the time, so it could have been better), put baby down for a nap, then finished reading my book, did a load of dishes, did some laundry, baby woke up, picked up kids from school, helped with homework, baby took a second nap, kids went to friends house, cleaned piles of stuff, and now am making dinner.  I guess if I want to get anything done, I just have to have no one home but me. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cub Scouts

I am a Cub Scout leader.  What a fun, yet exhausting calling.  I think the boys are great and keep me young, but then at that same moment I feel so old and crotchety.  Today we had the boys all together, so we had about 10 boys (it seemed like so many more) putting together an invitation for Blue and Gold banquet.  That is the night we get to highlight all the boys do.  Well, putting together that little craft about did all us leaders in.  So just a hint, if you work with boys, the best activity is one were they can run around.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome to My Little

Here I am.  The women so unsure of herself around the technical world, actually stepping foot into the blogging community.  What got me here, was 1st, my husband and 2nd, the fact that I wanted to tell the world my story.  I am not a person who will be seen on the front pages or in the local news, but I am someone worth knowing.

My little planet consists of my wonderful husband and my three adorable children and our lazy dog.  That is really it.  I could say that there is a messy house, a beautiful (yet un-kept yard), pictures, trinkets, cars, and toys, but I would be lying when I say they are apart of my world.  My family is my world and everything else revolves around it.

Though as I read what I just wrote, I wonder if I am lying to myself, because sometimes I feel like those things that should be revolving around my world are hurtling from the sky in a blaze of fire to destroy my world.  But I am a wannabe super women and am attempting to grab those asteroids known as toys, laundry, dishes and more and launch them back into orbit where they belong.

This is my story, this is the plot, time to see if I succeed in being the heroin of My Little